Book a Day Program

First, Dr. Chaudhuri would like to thank Dr. James Chattra and Pediatric Associates (in Seattle), for their support in the replication of this program. “A Book A Day” was created by Dr. James Chattra and was inspired by Harvard’s “Reach Out & Read” program; it was wildly successful and thoroughly appreciated by parents and children alike.
Research has found an association between pediatric literacy promotion and improvements in preschool language scores which are a good predictor of later literacy success.
Reading with your child is one of the most effective ways to promote your child’s development and encourage positive reading habits.

How will A Book a Day at Pediatric Associates of Durango work?

Read a book from our collection while you wait; take the book with you throughout the clinic; if you wish, you may take the book home with you, or return it to the waiting room. If you have books to donate, especially hardcover books please drop them in our book donation bins, and we will share them with the children who come to Pediatric Associates of Durango.
Try to work books into your child’s daily routine, such as reading stories at bedtime, and letting them see you read regularly. Also, not all kids love books at first, so give it time. Remember, you do not have to read the words…talking about the pictures and listening to your child are most important. A Book A Day can keep the television away!


Pakhi Chaudhuri, M.D.

Pediatric Associates of Durango
1199 Main Avenue
Suite #205
2nd floor of the Bank of Colorado
Phone: 970-259-PEDS (7337)  Fax: 970-259-7366

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:30pm
After Hours: There will always be a provider on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.