What if I have a question or concern after hours?
Please call the regular office number (970) 259-7337 with any questions or concerns. We have nurses available 24 hours 7 days a week to answer any of your questions.
One of our pediatric providers is always on call and available to speak to, if our nurses are unable to help you or you are not satisfied.
*Please note our phones roll, after hours, to an answering service that will determine if you need to speak with a nurse at Denver Children’s Hospital. When you call our office after hours, you will get a recording. Please hold the line to speak with our answering service. The nurses are able to contact the provider on call if necessary. They are always there to help you.
Does your office have patient parking?
There is Free Parking under the Bank of Colorado building. You must access this from the alley that runs behind the building. The alley is one way so you will need to enter from 11th Street and go north. Please feel free to park in the spots labeled Bank of Colorado Building Customer Parking. You can then take either the elevator or the stairs to the second floor suite 205.
Who will my child see?
We strive to ensure that you have a primary care provider and that you are able to see that provider. You can always request a certain provider for well child care and routine checkups and, when possible, sick visits. This may require you to schedule in advance or wait for an available appointment. We feel very strongly that it is important to have continuity of care with a provider that knows your family.
How quickly can I get an appointment?
We always have same-day appointments available during our regular hours.
Our non-urgent or well child appointments are usually no more than 2 weeks out. Often there are appointments available in the same week.
If there is a need for a certain day or time we do recommend you calling a couple of weeks in advance to ensure you get the time and day you need. After school hours tend to fill up quickly.
When is my child due for his/her well visit?
Newborn check (3-4 days old)
Newborn WCC (7-14 days old)
1 month WCC (for first time parents or if there are questions or concerns)
2 month WCC (this is when first set of immunizations are usually given)
4 month WCC
6 month WCC
9 month WCC
12 month WCC
15 month WCC
18 month WCC
2 year WCC
3 year WCC
4 year WCC (start discussing 4-5 year immunizations)
5 year WCC (At the 5 year well visit the ASQ paperwork is much longer so we request that you please print the paperwork in advance and fill it out at home or come in at least 15 minutes before your appointment to fill it out.)
6 year –20 year WCC Patient should be seen yearly on or after their birthday
What is the immunization policy for your office?
At Pediatric Associates of Durango, we respect a patient’s right to not immunize but do believe that immunizations can play an important role in your child’s health and well-being. We are very open to working with parents by providing a delayed or alternate schedule and our nurses are available to answer and alleviate any concerns. The Vaccine Book by Sears is a resource that we trust regarding an alternative schedule.
What is your stance on alternative medicine?
We are board certified pediatric providers who look at the whole child in order to encourage optimal health. We are often finding that dietary changes can prevent chronic ear infections, GERD, migraine headaches or even behavioral challenges. There are also a number of very talented alternative practitioners with whom we work with in our area.
Western medicine has some very important tools and is exceptional in life threatening situations. Alternative/complementary medicine offers a more holistic perspective to tackle those challenges that may not be life threatening but are impacting our quality of life.
How can I get a refill for my child’s medication?
If you are on a routine medication that can be called into the pharmacy, please contact the pharmacy first for your refill. If your prescription is out of refills, the pharmacy is supposed to contact our office to get further refills authorized by the ordering provider. If you are having any issues with a refill please reach out to our office. Frequently we may not have received a request from your pharmacy.
If you have a prescription that is a controlled medication, such as Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall, etc., please contact our office and the receptionist will forward your request to the ordering provider.
We do ask that you give us at least 48 hours’ notice on all refill requests.
How can I get school/sports/camp forms filled out for my child?
Generally, health forms require that the patient have an annual well child exam. If your child has had a well-child exam in the last 12 months (if they are older than 2 years of age) then you can drop the form off at the office for your provider to fill out. We ask that you give us at least 1-2 weeks to complete these forms.
If your child/teen has not had a well-child/physical exam in the past 12 months please contact our office to set this appointment up.
If you have a prescription that is a controlled medication, such as Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall, etc., please contact our office and the receptionist will forward your request to the ordering provider.
We do ask that you give us at least 48 hours notice on all refill requests.
If I have a question(s)/concern(s) regarding a bill, who do I call?
Our billing department is off site, please contact SK Medical billing at 1-844-380-4836.
If you have a specific question about what your insurance covers, please contact your insurance carrier. The number should be on the back of your insurance card